Launching OneNote LifeHacks YouTube series

I am starting a YouTube series called OneNote LifeHacks. I will share detailed tips on how to set up OneNote to work for you. My system has 5 steps

  1. You wanting to change your habits
  2. Capture to OneNote collection section from all platform
  3. Processing and organizing information
  4. Prioritize using custom tags and find tags to create todo lists
  5. Executing on the lists and induce flow using the Pomodoro Technique

The system is heavily inspired of Getting Things Done, Inbox Zero and the Pomodoro Technique, and you can incorporate good habits that resonates with well with you. It is a robust system and all you have to do is to get started with the capture process and the rest you can do as a bonus

Check out my OneNote LifeHacks explained video

The YouTube series is based on my popular OneNote talk from MVP Community Connect in Madrid 2017 and my article on getting started with OneNote in structured way that I wrote in august 2016. The article has more than 6000 views and are still very popular. The video has over 11500 views and over 130 likes with good feedback. This is very motivational and makes me want to share more of my tips and tricks to succeed with OneNote and get stuff done using some productivity methodologies like GTD and the Pomodoro Technique

Catch me at Microsoft Ignite 2017 where I am talking about OneNote LifeHacks in a 20 minute theater talk. Will be happy to share tips and tricks in OneNote productivity

One thought on “Launching OneNote LifeHacks YouTube series

  1. Hi,
    thank you for your great video; can I kindly request you to share the madrid ignite 2017 slides ?
    Pdf, png, image as you prefer as the video on youtube is not clear enough to see all step.

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